漂泊之浪Waves of drifter
漂泊之浪 為台灣汐止一處結合藝廊空間的住家,從家具、藝術品擬定再發散至整個空間。「我的世界只有你懂」這是一間由先生為太太打造的藝術殿堂,男主人黃先生為了讓時常出差回台北的太太有更放鬆的渡假居所,讓女主人回國,不再是只有住飯店的選擇,進而著手打造天花的波浪曲線來自於基隆港岸主人們兒時記憶。我們將看似柔軟的材質,改用硬質鋼鐵,讓材質的趣味性增添外,也不加作傳統天花板,整體的空間高度提升,也像極了大型藝術創作。一字形的客廳動線讓藝術品在延伸視覺中陳列展示,沿著波浪狀天花走入具神祕且寧靜感的廊道是從殿堂走入居所的秘徑,如同走入彼此世界一般,最後在廣闊的視野中彼此凝視、休憩……
This space begins from love and understanding, converse art and tender by husband to his beloved wife. "I want my wife sense no more drifting and solitude, even she is still flying over Asia all the time." Owner of this apartment Mr. Huang said. Design team uses Owner’s understanding to his wife, setting a tune by their art collections and furniture with memories.
Waves is another memory in common of this family, design team choose flexible stainless-steel web as a decoration on the celling to bring wave-like visual experience. Meanwhile, contrast of the from and material performs the difference of this couple. When this beautiful couple fellows the metal waves, they will see collections of their past which means the days they had been through. The waves will lead the way to their room, this process is like after seeing all the fancy wonder world, they will have rest and peace with each other in the room.